Grace Textures
Grace Sculpt
Thought I’d add an individual portrait of Grace since I already have one of Ros. 🙂 She ended up looking more angry than I had intended..
A Merry Retro Christmas
APE was a success!
To those of you just coming here now because of APE.. WELCOME!! Thanks so much for visiting my table and grabbing some loot! For those of you who helped spread the word, thank you SO MUCH! APE was a huge success. Everyone was extremely nice and I heard some wonderful things about my Techno Fish, which makes me really happy. My neighbor was the owner of the comic Rocket Robinson. It’s more for younger readers, sort of a Tin Tin-esque adventure about a boy named Rocket who goes to Egypt to solve a special mystery.
For those of you who liked my Techno Fish but didn’t get the chance to pick one up, you can grab them at my Etsy store. They are all made to order. 🙂
Prints of Zombie Killers art will be available there soon as well, but for now you can get them off of DeviantArt. Here are links to the two that are available:
Order Zombie Killers, Volume 1 now!
Once again, thanks to everyone who came to my table and helped me out. Especially my wonderful friends for being so supportive. This was an awesome experience and I will definitely be going again next year! In Zombie Killers news: I will be posting new pages as of this coming week as part of the kickoff for book 2, so keep checking the page. Typically I update about one a week but sometimes I manage to get two. 🙂
Ryan Gosling
Drive is an awesome AWESOME movie so I had to draw Ryan Gosling. Here’s link to the reference: RYAN GOSLING OMG
I had a lot of fun with this. I haven’t drawn anything from “life” or photo in a long time. I basically consider it good practice for future art that does not include a reference.