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Category: Art

Spring Show Project

Spring Show Project

So I’m pretty sure it’s ok if I post this here since it’s for a student project. Just a dock I modeled for an aquatic plane to land next to in a scene. 🙂 Not painted or anything yet, but I was just asked to model so no texturing this time!

My Room!

My Room!

For my games design class I had to make a replica of my bedroom.  We had a budget of 3,000 tris which is crazy small, and the texture maps had to be 128×128 pixels!  These requirements aren’t as common in the industry now as they were a few years ago.  For reference, the average texture map I had been working in is at least 2kx2k, and scenes typically have into the hundreds of thousands to millions of polygons, so this was a challenge.  😀  Also, the lighting is done through vertex color application instead of using actual lights, so anytime I want to change the lights is a bit of a hassle. x_x

Head Comparison

Head Comparison

Ok I totally couldn’t help myself. On the left is the 2nd head I have ever done… on the right is the THIRD head I’ve ever done. HOLY DIFFERENCE, BATMAN! Really though, I’m happy and sort of feel like I’m getting somewhere with ZBrush now.