Zombie Killers
Messing around with a new comic for fun. 🙂 It doesn’t really have much of a storyline right now, but I figure it’s a good excuse to brush up on illustration and all that.
Messing around with a new comic for fun. 🙂 It doesn’t really have much of a storyline right now, but I figure it’s a good excuse to brush up on illustration and all that.
I did this particular page on my friends Cintiq. DAMN I want one now. It cut the coloring time down by half! Time to start saving up..
Grace brings up a good point. Ros doesn’t seem deterred though. I am still working on the whole, having-backgrounds-but-not-really thing. XD It’s super fun to experiment.
MY KIDNEY TROUBLES ARE FINALLY OVER! Well.. sort of. X_X I’m still hopped up on painkillers, but at least I can sit upright now. Kidneys suck.