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Tag: charicatures

The kids from Willy Wonka. 🙂  I was all surgeried out, so unfortunately I didn’t get to Wonka or the Oompa Loompas as was hoped.  I just had my last Character Design class and I am already bummed.  That class was SO. MUCH. FUN. It was so easy to talk to my teacher Chris too about the things I was concerned with and where I wanted to go with my work.  He completely understood and took it in stride and gave me really good advice.  Something I’ve noticed is that teachers at AAU have a habit of looking for something technical to talk about when you ask for advice as an artist.  Talking to Chris was the exact opposite.  It was all about feeling and the ability to relate to the characters.  Making them seem like actual people.  The class was GREAT and I really hope to get into the Advanced course when they post it. 🙂